Recruiting an eCommerce Director

Recruiting an eCommerce Director

Case Study

Skillful Executive Placement for Robert Graham’s eCommerce Success



As Robert Graham embarked on a transformative eCommerce journey with Chameleon Collective, they also needed a long-term leader to sustain the rapid growth. The mission was to find an eCommerce director who was highly analytical, had a robust digital marketing background, possessed omnichannel marketing, customer acquisition and retention, and social media management experience, and was mature enough to handle the full P&L responsibilities of this rapidly growing channel.


Chameleon Collective leveraged its expertise in executive recruitment to initiate an extensive talent search. A pool of over 83 candidates was developed and meticulously screened to identify the perfect fit for Robert Graham’s unique requirements. During this process, the interim leader worked closely with the recruitment team, setting up a smooth transition for the incoming director.


Through Chameleon Collective’s diligent recruitment process, Ikonya Nginyo was identified as the ideal candidate and assumed the role of eCommerce Director. Leveraging the groundwork laid by Chameleon Collective and his own expertise, Nginyo has been instrumental in driving Robert Graham’s success in multiple areas. This executive placement showcased Chameleon Collective’s ability to not only catalyze change but also to ensure its sustainability.


Robert Graham Designs, LLC
Recruiting an eCommerce DirectorRecruiting an eCommerce Director

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Melissa Pacheco

Melissa Pacheco

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