Global PR Campaign for Financial Services

Global PR Campaign for Financial Services

A young woman with short brown hair, wearing a straw hat and leopard print earrings, gazes to the side while holding a smartphone. She has a neutral expression and is dressed in a light brown jacket, exuding an air of professionalism. The softly blurred background hints at her involvement in global PR.

Case Study

Creating a Global Consumer PR Program to Drive Brand Awareness 



WorldRemit, an established global digital payments enterprise, aspired to broaden its brand recognition worldwide in its tenth year. The company envisioned a narrative enriched with consumer-friendly content to boost the brand’s share of voice.


Chameleon Collective, partnering with WorldRemit’s internal PR team, devised an integrated global strategy centered on a unified, impactful message adaptable to local nuances. Alongside this, we initiated the search for a globally represented agency, culminating in WorldRemit’s inaugural partnership with a multinational firm. By tapping into consumer behavior around festive periods like Diwali, Christmas, and New Year, we generated relatable content that secured placements in reputable media such as The Guardian and CNN Travel online. Simultaneously, we pursued a strategy to align WorldRemit with trending business news. This approach yielded exposure in high-profile publications like Forbes, CNBC Africa, and the BBC. Another significant milestone was the successful launch of WorldRemit’s app in Somalia, a new market for the brand. This expansion triggered top-tier TV and print coverage locally in Somalia, and also in key UK and US publications, extending the brand’s international footprint.


WorldRemit’s share of voice for the brand expanded by 4%, reflecting the successful PR campaign. More than mere numbers, the transformation was visible in the surge of brand recognition worldwide and the reimagined consumer-focused narrative that resonated with a global audience.


Related Chameleon
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Uwe Hook

Uwe Hook

Interim CMO/CDO

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