Pursuing Perfection

Pursuing Perfection

A close-up of a vintage-style glass filled with a red liquid, positioned in front of a bottle labeled "INFAME 11." The glass, with intricate etchings, exemplifies pursuing perfection, and the rustic design of the bottle complements it. The background is softly blurred, focusing attention on the glass and bottle.

Case Study

Craft to Cocktail: Transforming Chattanooga’s Spirits Scene with Gate 11 Distillery



In a town where prohibition laws still resonate, Gate 11 Distillery set out on a mission to create world-class craft spirits and provide a unique distillery experience. However, successfully establishing this bold vision required a strategic brand positioning and identity that would both respect the local culture and embody the distillery’s innovative spirit.


Chameleon Collective partnered with Gate 11, working in collaboration with a team of distillers and engineers. We developed a comprehensive “craft to cocktail” approach that celebrated Gate 11’s meticulously crafted spirits and the unique customer experience they offer, from tasting room to live music venue. The brand positioning was aimed at engaging new audiences, including patrons, shoppers, and restaurateurs. Our creative process led to the development of a comprehensive set of design deliverables. This included a cohesive brand identity, messaging campaigns, packaging, collateral, custom iconography, and environmental design. Each component was carefully tailored to represent the different spirits that are exclusively available at Gate 11.


The branding strategy and deliverables provided by Chameleon Collective have contributed significantly to Gate 11’s establishment as a standout brand within Chattanooga’s craft spirits scene. The “craft to cocktail” approach has resonated with the target audience, bringing in patrons and establishing partnerships with local restaurants. Moreover, the unique branding has allowed Gate 11 to share their unique craft spirits story, carving out a niche for themselves in a town still influenced by its prohibition history.


Pursuing PerfectionPursuing PerfectionPursuing PerfectionPursuing PerfectionPursuing Perfection

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Tavis Salazar

Tavis Salazar

Partner | Creative Director

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