Recruiting for a US Expansion

Recruiting for a US Expansion

A wicker picnic basket sits on a white tablecloth in a grassy area, perfect for discussing US Expansion Recruitment strategies. Lit white candles, a glass bottle of water, a blue and white patterned plate, and a decorative lantern encircle the basket. The scene looks serene and inviting.

Case Study

Lighting the Way: Lights4Fun’s US Expansion with Chameleon Collective



Lights4Fun, a shining star in the European home decor scene, eyed the vast opportunities of the American market. Their ambition was clear: replicate their overwhelming success in the United Kingdom and Europe here in the US. Yet, such an undertaking needed a visionary at its helm—a General Manager adept at crafting and scaling businesses in uncharted territories.


The moment Chameleon Collective understood Lights4Fun’s aspiration, our intuitive powerhouse, Melissa Pacheco, recognized the potential match with a particular candidate she had in mind. A candidate not just with the required expertise but with the passion and adaptability Lights4Fun needed. Within weeks, the match was made. However, our role didn’t end there. Collaborating closely with the newly appointed General Manager and Lights4Fun’s UK veterans, we embarked on sculpting a dynamic team. A team that would adapt and thrive amidst the challenges of constructing an ecommerce titan from scratch. Recognizing the importance of a cohesive online presence, we ensured that a Social Media Manager and an Ecommerce Coordinator were seamlessly integrated into the Lights4Fun family. And our quest for excellence continues, with a copywriter being the next jewel we aim to add to their crown.


Chameleon Collective’s involvement catalyzed a swift and efficient launchpad for Lights4Fun’s US journey. By curating a robust leadership and support team, we’ve set the stage for Lights4Fun not just to enter, but to illuminate the US market, much like they did in Europe.

Related Chameleon
Team Members

Melissa Pacheco

Melissa Pacheco

Executive Recruiter

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