Streamline Marketing Data

Streamline Marketing Data

Case Study

Unifying Blink Fitness’ Data Landscape with Chameleon Collective’s Expertise



Blink Fitness grappled with a multifaceted data dilemma. Not only were they short of the internal bandwidth to generate essential reports and insights for their marketing objectives, but a maze of diverse data sources also scattered their valuable customer insights. This data fragmentation across gyms, websites, and other platforms created silos, jeopardizing the accuracy of their strategic hypotheses.


To bridge this data chasm, Chameleon Collective introduced Brittany MacBeth into the in-house marketing team at Blink Fitness. Brittany’s first order of business was to bring together data from a myriad of sources into a single, coherent dashboard that would serve as the holistic source of truth. Leveraging a suite of analytics platforms, including Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, Improvado, and Supermetrics, she methodically unified, purified, and structured the data.


The outcome? Brittany masterfully transformed a convoluted and fragmented data ecosystem into a streamlined, easily accessible set of dashboards. This centralized hub empowered the Blink Fitness marketing team with real-time insights, enabling them to make informed decisions, evaluate performance, and derive actionable strategies on the fly.

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Team Members

Brittany MacBeth

Brittany MacBeth

Data Analytics

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