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Fractional Director of Customer Success

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the need for growth and transformation is not just a luxury, but a necessity for survival. Enter the Fractional Director of Customer Success, a transformative role offered by Chameleon Collective that focuses on driving growth and fostering meaningful customer relationships.

This service, geared towards businesses seeking practical solutions for growth and retention, is an effective antidote to the traditional, often ineffective services offered by antiquated agencies and consultancies. Our Fractional Directors of Customer Success are high-achieving independent thinkers, skilled in creating and implementing strategies that drive customer satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, business growth.

The Fractional Directors of Customer Success embody Chameleon Collective’s mission to challenge and transform how businesses win and retain customers. Their role is to work closely with your team, providing expert guidance and leadership in a transformative time for your organization. They are not just problem solvers, but enablers, empowering your team to manage solutions independently. This is in line with our unique ethos: ‘Chameleons celebrate when you no longer need us.’ We thrive on driving meaningful change, and mark our objectives as complete when our partnership has empowered you to continue without us.

The responsibilities of the Fractional Director of Customer Success extend beyond mere customer relationship management. They work in tandem with a broad bench of experts across our five main Practices – Branding, Marketing, Customer Experience, Commerce, and Sales. They are leaders in their field, driving top-down change and implementing transformational objectives for your organization. Their expertise ranges from CX strategy and customer insights to innovation strategy and service design. Their goal? To drive change that not only solves your immediate problems but also equips your team with the skills and capabilities to sustain this transformation.

The Fractional Director of Customer Success is an integral part of the ‘Lead’ division at Chameleon Collective. Their role is to guide your organization through a transformational period, working from within to drive change. However, our services don’t stop there. Our ‘Deliver’ division provides practical, tactical application of expertise to implement transformation, while our ‘Recruit’ division finds transformational talent to operationalize the change permanently. Whether you engage with just one or all three divisions, our aim is to drive and sustain transformation in your organization.

The Fractional Director of Customer Success role offered by Chameleon Collective is a game-changer for businesses seeking growth and transformation. It embodies our core creative idea of ‘Transform Business’, working seamlessly within your organization to drive change and achieve lasting success. With Chameleon Collective, you’re not just getting a service; you’re partnering with a team committed to challenging the status quo, transforming your business, and celebrating your newfound independence.

Experts from
the Collective

Liz Stephen

Liz Stephen

CX Communications Strategist

Through these services, we stand ready to boost your marketing capabilities, foster transformation, and set the stage for success.


Connecting on a deeper level with your audience.

Direct to Consumer eCommerce Launch

Sales Plan Development


What is a Fractional Director of Customer Success?

A Fractional Director of Customer Success is a consultant who specializes in overseeing and managing the customer success function within a company on a part-time or project basis. They are responsible for ensuring that customers achieve their desired outcomes and remain satisfied with the company’s products or services.

What are the main responsibilities of a Fractional Director of Customer Success?

A Fractional Director of Customer Success is responsible for developing and implementing customer success strategies, establishing and tracking key performance indicators, managing customer success teams, conducting customer satisfaction surveys, analyzing customer data, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to improve the customer experience.

How can a Fractional Director of Customer Success help my business?

A Fractional Director of Customer Success can help your business by ensuring that your customers are successful and satisfied, which leads to increased customer retention, loyalty, and revenue. They can also help identify areas for improvement in your customer success processes and implement strategies to drive growth and customer satisfaction.

What industries can benefit from hiring a Fractional Director of Customer Success?

Any industry that relies on customer relationships and recurring revenue can benefit from hiring a Fractional Director of Customer Success. This includes software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies, e-commerce businesses, subscription-based services, and any other businesses that prioritize customer success and retention.

How does a Fractional Director of Customer Success differ from a traditional Director of Customer Success?

A Fractional Director of Customer Success differs from a traditional Director of Customer Success in that they work on a part-time or project basis, rather than being a full-time employee. They provide expertise and guidance without the long-term commitment and cost associated with hiring a full-time director.

What qualifications should I look for when hiring a Fractional Director of Customer Success?

When hiring a Fractional Director of Customer Success, look for someone with a strong background in customer success management, experience in your industry, a track record of driving customer success and retention, excellent communication and leadership skills, and the ability to work independently and collaboratively.

How long does a Fractional Director of Customer Success typically work with a company?

The duration of engagement for a Fractional Director of Customer Success can vary depending on the needs of the company. They may work on a project basis for a specific period of time or provide ongoing part-time support. The length of engagement can be determined based on the goals and requirements of the company.

Can a Fractional Director of Customer Success work remotely?

Yes, a Fractional Director of Customer Success can work remotely. With the advancement of technology and communication tools, it is possible for them to effectively perform their duties and collaborate with teams and customers from any location.

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