7 Copywriting Tips To Supercharge Ecommerce Conversion Rates

copywriting tips - ecommerce conversion rates

Conversion rates should be your first, second, third, and fourth priority in the world of eCommerce. The biggest brands in the business dedicate enormous amounts of resources to increasing their conversion rates (due to the almost unbeatable ROI it provides). And if you want to compete, you need to optimize yours too.

With that in mind, here are 7 ways you can use the art of copywriting to increase your conversion rates.

Let’s get started.


Personalize Copy to Reflect the Ideal Customer

Start by asking yourself what the ideal customer for your brand is. Then provide a copy on your website that reflects that customer. Research the specific demographic(s) you want to target and make sure the copy on your site speaks to them.


 Use the second-person perspective to address the customer directly to keep them more engaged. The customer will feel more like they are speaking to a salesperson at a store instead of reading the copy on a website. The more personalized the website feels, the more comfortable the customer will be with completing their purchase. 


Be Informative and Persuasive

The copy on your product pages should tell your customer what they are getting in as much detail as possible. Tell the customer what makes your product stand out from the rest and remind them what the benefits of each product are. 


Try not to rely on a copy that only lists each product’s features. Instead, tell the customer what those features can do for them. Does your product perform better than other products in the same space? Share that with the customer. Is your product more eco-friendly than its main competitor? Share that with your customer. 


The goal is to give the customer every reason to love your product and be compelled to buy it. 


Format Copy to be Easily Read

When a customer lands on your home page, they are not going to be taking in every word on the page. Format copy to be easily scanned by the customer. Research the scanning pattern people usually use when landing on a webpage and format any large blocks of copy to accommodate that. For a long-form copy, use lists and bullet points to give the customer a chance to focus on the important information. This will allow you to grab the customer’s attention before they move on to the next page. 


The most important thing is grabbing the customer’s attention and directing it where you need it to go, so keep that in mind when you are looking at the formatting of your online store. 


Start a Blog 

A blog is a great way to keep customers engaged in your online store. Keep the blog up to date and filled with content that the customer is likely to enjoy. If you can capture the email addresses of your customers, you can send blog updates to their email and keep them coming back. Publish posts that are relevant to your brand and make sure your brand’s voice shines through. If you don’t have a way with words consider using websites like ours (The Content Panel) and get professional bloggers to do it for you.


Customers who read blog posts tend to feel more of a connection to the brand overall, and this can lead them back to the products in your store. Be sure to link your products throughout the blog posts to encourage the customer to start their shopping after they are inspired by the copy. With this in mind, you will also benefit from placing another CTA at the bottom of the blog post as another incentive to start the shopping trip. 


Pay Attention to the FAQ and Return Policy Pages

Having a clear and concise copy of your FAQ and return policy pages will help the customer understand the benefits of shopping at your store. Check over your copy to ensure the return policy is clear and understandable. 


Customers will often check the return policy for a store before making an online purchase, so you want to give them the information they need. The FAQ page can also be an invaluable resource in convincing customers of your product’s benefits as well as giving them more information about the company they are considering supporting. 


The two main goals for the copy on these pages should be clarity and readability. Try to think of what questions could arise from reading the copy, and then try to answer them before it can be asked. Customers will walk away with a better understanding of your product and company, and this can lead them to feel more comfortable in their purchase.


Use Spell Check

This may seem like an obvious tip, but spell check is highly important in verifying the credibility of your store. Customers are not going to feel safe or comfortable buying through your store if there are spelling and grammar errors to be found. It is important to read through everything you add to your website to be sure it is error-free. Sometimes all it takes is a small error to lose a conversion.


Remain Consistent 

It is important to remain consistent from page to page in terms of both formatting and language. The customer is likely going to browse several pages, and you want to ensure they are getting the same message on each page. This can go a long way in promoting confidence in the brand and encouraging the customer to continue to browse and shop your store.  


Scott Stevens

Scott is one of the founders of the content writing service The Content Panel. When he’s not writing, he’s either surfing, snowboarding, drinking a little too much coffee, or worrying about how AI is going to take all of our jobs.

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