Oh Ship! A Conversation About Travel

An image promoting an episode of the "Oh Ship! Show" featuring a conversation about travel. It includes photos of two men, with the names "Freddie Laker" and "Ben Way" displayed at the bottom left. The background, adorned with blue skies and clouds, perfectly complements the show's logo.

Oh Ship! A Conversation About Travel

This week on Oh Ship Ben Way and Freddie Laker discuss travel and their personal traveling tips and favorite hacks. Plus, Freddie shares his most treasured possession while demonstrating a very high level of obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Join them as they dive into the best Oh Ship! tips for your next traveling journey. Plus, hear Ben’s views on taking underwear, whether red-eye flights are worth it, doing business internationally, and Freddie’s beloved captain’s logbook which he almost lost in England.

Watch the fifth episode below:

To learn a little more about the Freddie, Ben, and the show watch this:

A vibrant graphic with the phrase "OH SHIP!" in large, colorful letters. The letter "O" is designed to look like a ship's porthole, and a seagull perches on the letter "H." The background features shades of blue, reminiscent of the sea—perfect imagery for your blog archive.

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“Oh Ship!” is about celebrating the failures, sharing those stories, learning, and laughing along the way.

Freddie Laker

A veteran digital marketer with experience working with some of the world's biggest global brands. He now focuses on providing interim leadership to PE-backed firms.

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