Reimagining Financial Services – Marketing in The New Strange: A Live Webinar

A grayscale image promoting a live webinar titled "Reimagining Financial Services: Marketing in the New Strange" with Uwe Hook. Two people work on laptops in the background, focusing on financial data and marketing strategies. Text includes "chameleon/collective.

Financial Services Marketing

Financial services marketers have experienced rapid changes in their customers’ behavior throughout the Corona crisis. Digital transformation accelerated, contactless payments, and electronic signatures are the new normal, broadband has become essential for any household thereby raising the bar for any digital experiences. 

While we are still in the middle of the crisis, marketers have to plan for the next few months and the new opportunities to connect and engage with their customers. Uwe Hook (Visa, WorldRemit, N26, CO-OP Financial Services) will discuss:

  • 7 Trends that will impact financial services marketing in 2021 and beyond
  • How to organize your team and marketing strategy based on the emerging needs of customers
  • The biggest opportunities for marketers now

Join us Wednesday, 10/28/20 at 1:00 PM EST/10:00 AM PST/6 PM CET!

Register here and get first access to our live webinar + Q&A:

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You’ll  be able to watch the webinar here:


About Uwe Hook:

Uwe has 20+ years of experience in global marketing communication, transformational growth, and team leadership across B2C/B2B at Visa, Emirates, Mercedes-Benz, Honda/Acura, Nestle, T- Mobile, H&M, and FinTech legacy companies, as well as start-ups.

After graduating from law school, Uwe started his career in advertising working for Springer & Jacoby (Hamburg, Germany) and was promoted to Creative Director, Europe, for Mercedes-Benz within 2 years. After leading the team to many additional business wins (T-Mobile, Bodum, MB Trucks) and awards, Uwe moved to Los Angeles to immerse himself in the digital world. He worked for various agencies (Razorfish, Direct Partners (Omnicom), and Genex -Meredith Digital), lead media and marketing efforts for H&M, Electrolux, Acura, Honda, Nestle and started his own social media agency in 2010. BatesHook became the leading social agency for Emirates and LG. After successfully merging the agency, he joined OMD to lead Visa’s global digital efforts, focusing on activation surrounding the Olympics and World Cup, and growth marketing for all 56 markets.

In 2015, he traveled with his family around the world for a year, started his global consulting practice, and ran 3 marathons (sounds exhausting, doesn’t it?).

In his consulting work, he focuses on Interim CMO assignments, global marketing projects, and any initiative that helps companies to transform digitally. Uwe believes that incumbents have many advantages over startups: Customers, data, insights, a brand. His goal is to deploy their assets in ways that are aligned with the digital world and technological opportunities in order to succeed against competitors and new entries into the marketplace.


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A vibrant graphic with the phrase "OH SHIP!" in large, colorful letters. The letter "O" is designed to look like a ship's porthole, and a seagull perches on the letter "H." The background features shades of blue, reminiscent of the sea—perfect imagery for your blog archive.

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“Oh Ship!” is about celebrating the failures, sharing those stories, learning, and laughing along the way.

Uwe Hook

Uwe Hook, a man with short, light brown hair, wearing a dark blazer over a white shirt, smiles at the camera. The background is a plain, light gray textured surface.

A global digital marketer with experience and proven success working for some of the most admired brands. in B2B and B2C: Honda, Visa, Emirates, WorldRemit, LG, Mercedes-Benz.

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