B2B Marketing Recruitment

B2B Marketing Recruitment

A man with glasses and a beard, dressed in a black suit and white t-shirt, is smiling and leaning on a railing. In the background, three people are engaged in conversation near large windows in what seems to be a modern B2B marketing office space focused on recruitment.

Case Study

Elevating B2B Marketplace Potential Through Strategic Recruitment



Graphite, a dynamic B2B startup that serves as a marketplace, linking B2B marketers with Fortune 500 companies in search of high-profile interim leadership positions, was facing a significant hurdle. As they were preparing to scale, they needed to recruit their first in-house marketer, a B2B Director of Marketing with a unique blend of skills: demand generation expertise, marketing operations experience, and a savvy approach to budget allocation across all paid channels.


Chameleon Collective stepped into this strategic role with a well-thought-out recruitment plan. Our mission was to source a candidate not only equipped with the desired skill set but also adaptable enough to navigate the fluid nature of a startup. Moreover, the candidate had to have relevant industry experience, particularly in the B2B marketplace. The culture fit was also specifically important. Navigating through this complex recruitment landscape, we successfully identified an exceptional candidate based in New York. He had substantial experience in a B2B marketplace, making him an excellent fit for Graphite. As part of our recruitment strategy, we managed the entire relocation process to ensure a seamless transition for him.


Since his placement, the new B2B Director of Marketing has proved instrumental in scaling the platform. Within just 12 months, he has significantly impacted Graphite’s marketing strategy, transforming the way the company connects B2B marketers with Fortune 500 companies. We since then placed two other critical hires in Content Marketing and lead generation.


Related Chameleon
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Elise de Saint Didier

Elise de Saint Didier

Partner | Executive Recruiting

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