Case Study: Axcel Learning – Fractional CMO

Case Study: Axcel Learning – Fractional CMO

Case Study

Crafting a Unified Brand Voice for Axcel Learning



Axcel Learning, emerging as a new vertical within a $4B PE powerhouse, faced the challenge of sculpting a distinct brand identity. This was to resonate internally and effectively engage potential acquisition targets. Their online and on-marketing collateral messaging needed to strike a harmonious balance between clarity, precision, and appeal. The absence of a marketing leader added complexity, signaling the need for a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) to steer the branding ship.


Chameleon Collective, seasoned in the art and science of branding, stepped in to fill this gap. The initiative commenced with in-depth stakeholder interviews to tap into the heart of Axcel Learning’s vision and aspirations. These invaluable insights paved the way for a holistic rebranding strategy. Beyond mere aesthetics, the endeavor encompassed logo revitalization, crafting a messaging strategy that mirrored Axcel Learnings’s ethos, and weaving a consistent brand narrative across digital touchpoints like the website and social media channels. Furthermore, a special focus was placed on ensuring that the branding stood out and seamlessly integrated with the identities of the portfolio companies.


The reimagined brand narrative, pivoting around the meticulously crafted mission, vision, and values, served dual purposes. Internally, it fostered a cohesive understanding among the staff. Externally, each operating entity could lean into the robust Axcel Learning brand, bolstering their sales endeavors. While direct revenue upticks weren’t the primary metric, the palpable alignment and invigorated brand allegiance echoed the success of this endeavor.

Related Chameleon
Team Members

Partner | Fractional CMO/CXO

Charles Sayers

Charles Sayers

Interim Marketing Leader: B2B

Victoria Martinez

Victoria Martinez

Wordpress Developer

Stacey Groth

Stacey Groth

Fashion & Apparel Design

Brian Beise

Brian Beise

Brand Voice & Tone Specialist

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