Internal Agency Development: “Bugabootique”

Internal Agency Development: “Bugabootique”

A woman in a yellow blazer and ripped jeans stands confidently holding a coffee cup with one hand on her Bugabootique baby stroller. The stylish stroller, in brown and beige, sits against a plain light-colored background.

Case Study

Fostering In-House Creativity: The Rise of “Bugabootique”



Bugaboo, a brand synonymous with innovation, identified a pressing necessity: they needed to accelerate their content creation process and shift their reliance from external advertising agencies. Their forward-thinking solution was the conception of an internal, dedicated creative hub, whimsically coined “Bugabootique”. This ambitious endeavor sought not only to bring content creation in-house but also to imbue it with the agility and freshness that the dynamic market demanded.


Understanding the profound impact of this transformation, Chameleon Collective became an integral part of the journey. We undertook the mission to fortify Bugaboo’s in-house capabilities by embedding an interim Executive Creative Director and a Brand Director within their core structure. These roles, curated specifically for this initiative, were instrumental in meticulously designing the team’s architecture, refining creative workflows, and supervising the exhaustive process of recruitment and onboarding. Beyond the foundational building, Chameleon Collective remained deeply committed, offering mentorship, guidance, and insights to nurture and elevate the capabilities of the burgeoning team.


The transformation was palpable and invigorating. Within a time span of just eight months, Bugaboo unveiled its dynamic in-house team of ten, meticulously assembled and honed under the mentorship of Chameleon Collective. This strategic shift not only diminished Bugaboo’s previous dependencies on external partners but also supercharged their ability to produce riveting, timely content. With this newfound agility, Bugaboo seamlessly adapted to the ever-shifting consumer landscapes, ensuring their content always resonated with evolving tastes and market trends.

Related Chameleon
Team Members

Juan-Carlos Morales

Juan-Carlos Morales

Executive Creative Director

Julie Mantis

Julie Mantis

Interim VP, Brand Strategy

Pamela Alegria

Pamela Alegria

Web Design

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