Case Study: Product Repositioning

Case Study: Product Repositioning

Case Study

Elevating Salesforce’s Acquisition: Repositioning Krux for Market Impact


Following the acquisition of Krux, Salesforce faced a complex challenge: repositioning the newly acquired Data Management Platform (DMP) to significantly enhance its value to Salesforce customers and boost sales momentum. This task required not only a strategic reimagining of Krux’s market position but also a keen understanding of customer needs and the competitive dynamics within the cloud-based software industry.


Chameleon Collective initiated a comprehensive market analysis, focusing on the specific needs of DMP customers and the competitive landscape dominated by major players like Adobe and Oracle, along with other smaller entities. This extensive research was pivotal in developing a nuanced understanding of the market, which informed our next steps. With this insight, the team crafted a new Go-To-Market (GTM) planning and a broad marketing strategy tailored to Krux’s unique position within Salesforce’s portfolio. The approach wasn’t just strategic; it was hands-on. Chameleon Collective actively assisted in acquiring new customers and partners, playing a critical role in shaping the narrative and value proposition of Krux. This proactive engagement was crucial in aligning Krux’s offerings with the evolving needs of Salesforce’s customer base.


The concerted efforts of Chameleon Collective led to a transformative outcome for Salesforce’s Krux integration. The repositioned DMP witnessed a remarkable increase in Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) by over 100%. Beyond these impressive numbers, the sales velocity experienced a notable boost, driven by our strategic and tactical contributions. The establishment of a dual-sided data marketplace not only augmented the product’s value but also solidified its standing in the competitive market. The successful repositioning of Krux under Salesforce’s umbrella stands as a testament to the power of strategic foresight and operational excellence delivered by Chameleon Collective.

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Adam Towvim

Adam Towvim

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