Robust Marketing Landscape

Robust Marketing Landscape

A group of six diverse women standing shoulder to shoulder in front of a brick wall forms a robust portrait. They are smiling and appear happy. The woman on the far left is wearing a striped shirt, while the rest are dressed casually in various solid-colored tops and jeans.

Case Study

Steering ChairmanMe Through the Post-Pandemic Landscape



In a world dealing with a pandemic, ChairmanMe emerged as a beacon for women, offering them a unique blend of education and networking. As members adopted staying at home as “the new normal,” ChairmanMe rode a wave of exponential growth, buoyed by its asynchronous classes interwoven with community and networking elements. However, relaxed quarantine norms posed a challenge, forcing ChairmanMe to deftly navigate the evolving preferences of their clientele, while also bolstering their infrastructure to support the past growth. It was time for Chameleon Collective to join the team, to not just lay the bricks for a robust marketing infrastructure, but to also ensure that ChairmanMe’s star kept rising.


Chameleon Collective stepped in providing an interim head of marketing to implement and configure HubSpot for marketing and sales activities. This enabled us to create a detailed reporting dashboard to measure the impact of marketing activities as well as overall results. We then used this data to mentor junior marketing staff in the areas of demand generation and social media. We scaled both inbound and outbound marketing efforts, while keeping costs to ChairmanMe low, by bringing in experts on a part-time basis specializing in media purchasing, PR, and affiliate marketing.


Despite the shifting sands of a post-pandemic market, ChairmanMe has not just held its ground but has flourished. The already stellar product found its backbone in a solid internal process, creating a foundation that’s geared for sustained success.


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Team Members

Susan Martindill

Susan Martindill

CRM Strategist | B2B

Brittney Kleinfelter

Brittney Kleinfelter

Search Marketing Director

Brittany MacBeth

Brittany MacBeth

Data Analytics

Stephanie Driscoll

Stephanie Driscoll

Public Relations Specialist

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