Sales Strategy

Sales Strategy

A man in a blue suit stands confidently in front of a whiteboard, smiling and gesturing while giving a presentation on sales strategy. People seated around him, some with laptops and notebooks, are clapping. The room has large windows with an outside view.

Case Study

Unlocking Potential: How CivicPlus Optimized Sales and Cross-Selling



CivicPlus is an integrated technology platform offering diverse solutions for local government operations. Despite its array of integrated modules, the majority of customers were only utilizing one or two, leading to underexploited potential and a need for increased win rates in a highly competitive market. They approached Chameleon Collective with a two-fold mission: enhancing sales effectiveness and boosting cross-selling revenue.


Chameleon engaged two key experts who used a proprietary optimization assessment model to identify obstacles hindering sales and cross-selling. By gathering insights from a broad spectrum of stakeholders, prospects, and customers, they understood the root causes behind the underutilization of CivicPlus’ offerings. With this knowledge, they proposed a three-pronged strategic plan designed to enhance lead generation, improve sales effectiveness, strengthen competitive position, and devise a robust strategy for driving cross-selling revenue.


CivicPlus is now ready to initiate a second phase project with Chameleon Collective, set to implement two out of the three proposed strategies. This proactive step indicates their commitment to optimization and cross-selling, promising a positive future trajectory for their sales growth and market penetration.


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Adam Towvim

Adam Towvim

Interim Leader

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