Unified Visual Identity System

Unified Visual Identity System

A diverse group of people stands in a semi-circle indoors, smiling and celebrating with a high-five gesture. Their hands meet in the center, symbolizing teamwork and unity within their unified system. A bright window in the background provides natural light.

Case Study

Branding Synergy: Unifying Magnitude Software’s Acquired Identities



Magnitude Software, a data insights provider, faced a branding issue due to their strategic acquisition of companies, each having its own distinct visual identities. As a result, the company’s branding became fragmented and diluted, making it challenging to stand out in the visually cluttered enterprise software market.


Chameleon Collective was engaged to craft a unified visual identity system for Magnitude Software, providing a design strategy apt for future acquisitions. The brand team embarked on extensive research into existing assets, conducted stakeholder interviews, and utilized a custom brand assessment questionnaire to understand the situation fully. This groundwork led to a robust brand design strategy, harmonizing the identities of the master brand, subsidiaries, and product solutions. The team developed logo concepts and a strategy for the treatment of subsidiaries and products. Once the brand design concept was ratified, the visual identity system was established, and the final assets were created.


The brand overhaul successfully brought together the disparate visual identities into a unified and powerful brand image. This transformation resulted in additional requests for brand design and the securing of a significant $179 million investment from a London-based private equity firm, marking a momentous step forward for Magnitude Software.


Unified Visual Identity System Unified Visual Identity SystemUnified Visual Identity SystemUnified Visual Identity System

Related Chameleon
Team Members

Matt Cave

Matt Cave

Creative Director (Branding)

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