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Fractional Director of Sales Training

In the dynamic world of business, growth and transformation are the lifelines that keep an organization thriving. To achieve this, businesses often require external support, and Chameleon Collective is the go-to partner for such needs.

Our Fractional Director of Sales Training service is specifically designed to help businesses adapt, grow, and transform their sales strategies. We understand that in-house resources may not always possess the expertise or bandwidth to drive significant transformations, and that’s where we step in. Our Fractional Director of Sales Training is an industry-leading talent with a proven track record, skilled in guiding your sales team towards sustainable growth.

Our Fractional Director of Sales Training takes on the responsibility of driving top-down change in your sales strategies. They are not just consultants; they become an integral part of your team, understanding your business’s unique needs and challenges. Working closely with other experts in your organization, they devise and implement sales training programs that are tailored to your business’s objectives. They are leaders in their craft, using their extensive experience and expertise to drive change and deliver results.

At Chameleon Collective, we do not believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our Fractional Director of Sales Training service, like all our services, is flexible and adaptable, tailored to meet your specific needs. This service is part of our broader Sales Practice, which includes sales consulting, revenue operations consulting, sales strategy, and sales team development. Our Sales Practice, in turn, is one of our five key Practice Areas that also include Branding, Marketing, Customer Experience, and Commerce.

Our Fractional Director of Sales Training service is designed to deliver sustained success. Success for us is not just about solving your immediate problem. It’s about equipping your team with the skills and knowledge to manage the solution independently, long into the future. This ethos is what sets us apart from traditional agencies and reflects our mission to transform businesses.

If your business is seeking a practical solution for growth and transformation in sales, Chameleon Collective’s Fractional Director of Sales Training service is your answer. We bring in industry-leading talent, who collaborates with your team to drive meaningful change and deliver lasting success. Let’s together challenge and transform the way your business wins and retains customers.

Experts from
the Collective

Alicia Lewis

Alicia Lewis

Sales Leader

Through these services, we stand ready to boost your marketing capabilities, foster transformation, and set the stage for success.


Connecting on a deeper level with your audience.

Case Study: Sales Playbook


What is a Fractional Director of Sales Training?

A Fractional Director of Sales Training is a consultant who specializes in providing training and guidance to sales teams within a company. They work on a part-time or project basis, offering their expertise to improve sales strategies, enhance sales skills, and drive revenue growth.

Why should I hire a Fractional Director of Sales Training?

Hiring a Fractional Director of Sales Training can bring numerous benefits to your business. They can provide fresh perspectives and insights, identify areas for improvement, develop customized training programs, and help your sales team achieve their targets more effectively.

What qualifications and experience should a Fractional Director of Sales Training have?

A Fractional Director of Sales Training should have a strong background in sales and sales training. They should have extensive experience working with sales teams, a deep understanding of sales methodologies and techniques, and a track record of driving sales success. Additionally, they may hold certifications in sales training or related fields.

How long does a Fractional Director of Sales Training engagement typically last?

The duration of a Fractional Director of Sales Training engagement can vary depending on the specific needs of the business. It can range from a few months to a year or more, depending on the scope of the project and the goals to be achieved.

What is the cost of hiring a Fractional Director of Sales Training?

The cost of hiring a Fractional Director of Sales Training can vary depending on factors such as the consultant’s level of experience, the duration of the engagement, and the specific requirements of the project. It’s best to discuss pricing and fees directly with the consultant to get a clear understanding of the costs involved.

How will a Fractional Director of Sales Training work with my existing sales team?

A Fractional Director of Sales Training will work closely with your existing sales team to assess their skills, identify areas for improvement, and develop tailored training programs. They will provide guidance, coaching, and support to help your sales team enhance their performance and achieve their targets.

Can a Fractional Director of Sales Training help with sales strategy development?

Yes, a Fractional Director of Sales Training can assist with sales strategy development. They can analyze your current sales strategy, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for improvement. They can also help develop new strategies aligned with your business goals and market conditions.

What types of businesses can benefit from hiring a Fractional Director of Sales Training?

Businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from hiring a Fractional Director of Sales Training. Whether you are a startup looking to establish a strong sales foundation or an established company seeking to optimize your sales processes, a Fractional Director of Sales Training can provide valuable expertise and support.

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