5 Secrets Of A Great B2B Company Marketing Campaign

b2b company marketing campaign

The Internet is flooded with all sorts of B2C marketing guides, but the situation is not so bright when it comes to B2B marketing. After all, it is a totally different field of work where marketers have to delve deeper into the mind of a potential client in order to craft and present a perfect offer.

How come?

Well, reports prove that over 70% of B2B buyers fully define their needs on their own before engaging with a sales representative, while 44% of customers identify specific solutions before reaching out to a seller. In other words, B2B clients know exactly what they want and your job is to convince them that you can deliver as requested.

The only way to do it is to use a combination of tools and techniques to impress potential clients. In this post, we will show you the five biggest secrets of a great B2B company marketing campaign. Let’s take a look!


Important B2B Marketing Stats

Before we move on to discuss practical B2B marketing features, we want to present to you the most impressive industry statistics. This is important because it shows us the way B2B marketing campaigns should go:

  • Favorite marketing strategies among B2B companies are blogging, email newsletters, social networks, eBooks, and events.
  • Almost 55% of B2B buyers will read three to five pieces of content before contacting the supplier.
  • Events help generate the most leads in the B2B setting, while case studies help convert and accelerate the most leads.
  • Over 80% of B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn.

The stats we mentioned above probably give you a few ideas to think about B2B marketing-wise, but our job is to explain everything more thoroughly in the next chapter.


Key Elements of a Successful B2B Marketing Plan

There are many ways to approach B2B leads, but we selected the most efficient solutions only. Let’s see five key elements of a successful B2B marketing plan.


1. Quality and long-form content

B2B organizations cannot afford to publish short and low-quality blog posts because their clients demand in-depth reviews and explanations. You need to invest a lot of time and effort in each article to make it data-rich and highly informative.

The idea is to show potential clients that your company is able to solve their problems. Use real-life examples, statistical findings, and case studies to showcase professional authority

Content creators at essay writing companies often say that writing a longer post doesn’t mean you can ruin the overall appearance and structure of a given article. On the contrary, you still need to make it scannable so that the average reader can go through the main ideas of the post quickly.

Take a look at Backlinko for example. They create super-long and high-quality content, but users don’t have a problem digesting it since each post is well-structured. You should follow the same example in your blog.


2. Produce video testimonials

Word of mouth has always been a powerful marketing strategy and B2B is not an exception here. After all, a typical B2B client would love to hear about other companies’ experiences with your organization. A great video testimonial can reveal the following details:

  • How you approach and communicate with clients
  • Can you customize offers based on clients’ needs
  • Do you maintain long-term relationships with customers

A testimonial video will also prove the professional authority of your business, so make sure to approach it with all due attention. For instance, you can check out how Epic Productions crafted a perfect testimonial for one of their clients – every detail of the video screams professionalism and authority.


3. Use the best channels of communication

This may seem like an obvious trick, but the point is to focus on the best channels of communication only because you don’t want to waste time and money on irrelevant platforms. When it comes to a B2B company marketing campaign, the usual suspects include:

  • Website: A business website represents the digital ID of your organization, so you have to make it flawless and content-rich.
  • Email newsletters: With almost four billion users globally, email is considered to be the official channel of business communication.
  • Social media: You can find hundreds of social media channels out there, but don’t forget to focus on important B2B networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Events: Although we live in the digital universe, B2B clients still appreciate the good old human touch. This is exactly why we are going to discuss event marketing in the next paragraph.


4. Event marketing

Do you know that an overwhelming majority of C-Suite executives (87%) believe in the power of live events and plan on investing in them more in the future? No digital feature can replace the value of face-to-face contact, so you better leave a portion of your B2B marketing budget for event planning.

What makes events such a precious marketing tool?

First of all, they give you the chance to meet potential clients and approach them in a more natural manner. Secondly, events give you additional visibility among industry professionals and help you to boost your PR strategy.

And thirdly, successful live events give you the opportunity to prove professional authority, build a reputation, and strengthen relationships with relevant stakeholders in your industry.


5. Data analytics

As a B2B company, you must know that you cannot improve what you do not measure.

Jake Gardner, a business author, believes B2B marketers need to be skilled data analysts: “It is essential to keep an eye on key performance indicators in real-time because it enables you to identify problems and respond promptly.”

In order to do it properly, you need to determine a whole set of campaign objectives. Lots of B2B marketers follow the SMART technique because it proved to work well in most cases. SMART goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Focusing on such objectives, it will be easy for you to keep an eye on the results of your B2B marketing campaign and make improvements if necessary.


A Successful Company Marketing Campaign

B2B marketing is highly demanding because you need to perfectly understand the needs of potential clients and design the corresponding materials to attract new leads. In this article, we analyzed the five biggest secrets of a great B2B company marketing campaign. Remember our tips and make sure to use them – it will make your marketing strategy better and more productive long-term!




Michael Gorman is a full-time resume writer and a part-time professional paper writer. Michael specializes in brand building and digital marketing, but he also writes reviews on essay writing services. Michael is the father of two lovely toddlers and a dedicated long-distance runner. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or check his Twitter.

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