Enchanted Brand Essence

Enchanted Brand Essence

Case Study

Crafting a Gaming Brand with Depth and Authenticity



Emerging from the crowded gaming landscape, Magic Soup Games emerged with a zest to distinguish themselves. As a nascent company, their quest was twofold: to fashion a brand identity resonating deeply with their core ethos and to articulate this identity seamlessly via an engaging platform, all the while keeping true to the spirit of their original logo.


Embarking on this brand journey, Chameleon Collective instilled the essence of design thinking. It started with an immersive session, engaging with the stakeholders to glean insights into their aspirations and constraints, and understanding their position amidst industry competitors. This set the stage for a rigorous competitor analysis that fed directly into our creative foray. Beginning with foundational wireframes and progressively iterating based on stakeholder feedback, the design came alive, celebrating Magic Soup Games’ unique character.


The result was a brand transformation that did more than just skim the surface. We delivered an authentic brand narrative, a signature visual design, and a strategic messaging framework that genuinely mirrors the principles at the heart of Magic Soup Games.

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Team Members

Daniel Gonzalez

Daniel Gonzalez

Sr. Art Director UI/UX

Brian Beise

Brian Beise

Brand Voice & Tone Specialist

Chris Baccus

Chris Baccus


Carolina Usbeck

Carolina Usbeck

SEO Friendly Web Developer

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