Transforming Email Strategy

Transforming Email Strategy

Case Study

Innovative Email Strategy: Transforming Retargeting for


Challenge:, a powerhouse in re-marketing to consumers who’ve left products in their e-commerce carts, identified a critical concern: the deliverability of their retargeting emails. As the essence of Retention’s effectiveness hinged on this, they were keen to minimize their complaint-to-send ratio, ensuring the safeguarding of their coveted email sender reputation.


Understanding the unique challenge at hand, Chameleon Collective conceptualized a distinctive media brand: Latest Greatest. Aware of the propensity of retargeting emails to accrue spam complaints, the strategy was to dispatch the Latest Greatest newsletter via Retention’s IPs. This approach diluted the impact of the few complaints Retention’s retargeting emails might receive by juxtaposing them with a vast and successful send count. Given Retention’s focus on limiting their exposure to the demands of media, we seamlessly integrated AI into the heart of Latest Greatest. This ensured daily emails with a minimal weekly human oversight. The launch commenced with a seed list of thousands, setting the stage for exponential growth.


Within nine months from its 2023 launch, Latest Greatest’s subscribers soared to nearly 60,000, boasting an impressive average open rate of nearly 60%. The ripple effect? More than one million monthly sends without complaints, significantly bolstering Retention’s deliverability. This robust strategy not only protected Retention’s reputation but also enhanced its delivery performance, catering to its rapidly expanding clientele.

Related Chameleon
Team Members

Adam Rich

Adam Rich

Product Innovation

Matt Cave

Matt Cave

Creative Director (Branding)

Steve Rucker

Steve Rucker

Shopify Developer

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