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Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager Recruiters

Welcome to Chameleon Collective, where we champion the transformative power of strategic recruitment. As a business leader, you understand the crucial role that talent acquisition plays in your organization’s growth and evolution.

Our expert recruiters, armed with a deep knowledge of the industry, are poised to help you find the perfect Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager to elevate your brand. We specialize in recruiting professionals who are not just experts in their field, but also share your company’s vision for success and transformation. We believe that the right people, in the right roles, can drive meaningful, lasting change.

Unlike traditional agencies and consultancies, which often provide overpriced and ineffective services, Chameleon Collective is committed to delivering practical, high-quality solutions. Our recruiters are high-achieving independent thinkers, skilled in specific verticals, and ready to challenge the status quo. Our mission is to transform how businesses win and retain customers, and our recruiters play a vital role in this process. They are adept at identifying candidates who can bring new ideas, strategies, and perspectives to your organization, fostering an environment of innovation and growth.

Before recruiting your full-time hires, we will assist you with fractional and interim Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Managers who will lead your organization’s marketing efforts, devising and implementing strategies to attract new customers and retain existing ones. They will work closely with other team members, including sales, customer service, and product development, to ensure a cohesive and effective approach to customer acquisition and retention. Our experts are not only experts in their field; they are leaders who can inspire and energize your team, driving change from within.

At Chameleon Collective, our recruitment services are just one facet of our comprehensive approach to business transformation. We don’t just recruit top talent; we also provide leadership and delivery services to help your organization achieve its objectives. Our five key practice areas – Branding, Marketing, Customer Experience, Commerce, and Sales – encompass a broad range of expertise, ensuring that we can provide the tailored, practical solutions your business needs.

Our unique ‘Transform Business’ ethos permeates every aspect of our work. Whether we’re recruiting, developing a brand strategy, or providing eCommerce consulting, our objective is always to drive meaningful, lasting change. We’re here to challenge and transform how businesses operate, and we’re ready to work with you to achieve your goals. We invite you to explore our services and discover how Chameleon Collective can help your organization thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Experts from
the Collective

Nishu Arora

Nishu Arora

Executive Recruiter

Monika Ryan

Monika Ryan

Partner & Executive Recruiter

Melissa Pacheco

Melissa Pacheco

Executive Recruiter

Laura Knoll

Laura Knoll

Executive Recruiter

Elise de Saint Didier

Elise de Saint Didier

Partner | Executive Recruiting

David Honig

David Honig

Executive Recruiter | Partner

Danny Fishman

Danny Fishman

Media Strategist & Advertising

Through these services, we stand ready to boost your marketing capabilities, foster transformation, and set the stage for success.


Connecting on a deeper level with your audience.

Case Study: SwipeClock Business Transformation

Case Study: T-H Marine Business Transformation

Case Study: Francesca’s Business Transformation

Key Roles Recruitment


What is the role of a Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager?

A Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager is responsible for developing strategies to attract new customers and retain existing ones. They focus on creating targeted campaigns that drive customer engagement, loyalty, and business growth.

What are the key responsibilities of a Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager?

Responsibilities include designing acquisition and retention campaigns, segmenting customer bases, analyzing customer data, optimizing customer journeys, implementing loyalty programs, and measuring campaign effectiveness.

How does a Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager drive business growth?

A Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager drives business growth by creating strategies that attract new customers and enhance the loyalty of existing ones. They optimize customer interactions, implement loyalty-building initiatives, and drive revenue through targeted campaigns.

Why is hiring a Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager important?

Hiring a Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager is important as it ensures a balanced focus on attracting new customers and retaining loyal ones. This role is essential for driving sustainable business growth and maximizing customer lifetime value.

How do Chameleon Collective’s Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager Recruiters help businesses find top talent?

Chameleon Collective’s Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager Recruiters connect businesses with experienced professionals who excel in creating acquisition and retention strategies. Our experts ensure a seamless recruitment process to secure candidates who align with your customer engagement goals.

What is the mission of Chameleon Collective in offering Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager recruiting services?

Chameleon Collective’s mission in offering Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager recruiting services is to help businesses find experts who can drive customer engagement, loyalty, and revenue growth. We connect you with professionals who excel in creating impactful marketing campaigns.

How can businesses benefit from partnering with Chameleon Collective for Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager recruitment?

Businesses can benefit from partnering with Chameleon Collective for Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager recruitment by gaining access to professionals who understand customer engagement strategies. Our experts focus on connecting you with candidates who excel in driving business growth through targeted campaigns.

What is the typical timeline for hiring a Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager through Chameleon Collective?

The timeline for hiring a Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager varies based on factors such as candidate availability and recruitment process complexity. Chameleon Collective aims to streamline the process to help you secure top talent within a reasonable timeframe.

How can businesses initiate the Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager recruitment process with Chameleon Collective?

Initiating the process is simple. Businesses can reach out to Chameleon Collective through our contact page, and our team will collaborate closely to understand your customer engagement goals. We’ll then guide you through a tailored recruitment journey to find the right Customer Acquisition and Retention Marketing Manager for your business.

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