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Media Training Consultants

In a world where growth and transformation are not just desired but required, businesses are continuously seeking innovative solutions to remain competitive and relevant. Enter Chameleon Collective, a unique agency designed to challenge the status quo and revolutionize how businesses win and retain customers.

Our Media Training Consultants are equipped to address in-house issues that traditional agencies struggle to resolve, making us the ideal partner for businesses seeking sustainable solutions for growth and retention.

Our Media Training Consultants are not just consultants; they are leaders, experts in their verticals, and independent thinkers ready to drive meaningful change. At Chameleon Collective, we understand the frustrations businesses encounter with antiquated agencies and consultancies offering overpriced, ineffective, or low-quality solutions. We stand in stark contrast, offering practical, impactful interventions that lead to lasting success.

Our Media Training Consultants are integral to our mission of challenging and transforming how businesses operate. They work alongside a team of high-achieving professionals, each skilled in specific verticals, to convert challenges into sustainable solutions. With a track record of outstanding performance at top agencies, consultancies, and Fortune 500 companies, our consultants are industry-leading talent.

These experts work without unnecessary bureaucracy or overhead, providing direct access to experienced consultants and problem solvers. They are eager to partner with you, strengthen your team, and celebrate your achievements and newfound independence. Our goal is not just to solve your problem, but to enable your team to manage the solution independently.

Chameleon Collective’s Media Training Consultants are part of a broader service offering designed to transform businesses. We operate under three main company divisions: Lead, Deliver, and Recruit. Our Media Training Consultants fall under the ‘Lead’ division, equipping clients with leaders to guide them through a transformational time in their organization.

Our services are not limited to one division. Depending on your needs, we can engage multiple or all three divisions. We are flexible, adapting to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our practice areas span Branding, Marketing, Customer Experience, Commerce, and Sales, providing a comprehensive approach to business transformation.

Chameleon Collective’s Media Training Consultants are more than just consultants. They are leaders, transformation drivers, and partners in your success. Our unique model, combined with our commitment to challenging and transforming how businesses operate, sets us apart from traditional agencies. We are bold, we act with attitude, and we elevate your brand. At Chameleon Collective, we don’t just transform businesses; we invent, advance, upgrade, adapt, and design solutions that lead to sustained success.

Experts from
the Collective

Thorsten Rhode

Thorsten Rhode

Global Marketing Director

Stephanie Driscoll

Stephanie Driscoll

Public Relations Specialist

Michelle Barry

Michelle Barry

Partner | Public Relations

David Reid

David Reid

Interim CMO, Video Games

Casey Knox

Casey Knox

Partner | Digital Marketing

Through these services, we stand ready to boost your marketing capabilities, foster transformation, and set the stage for success.


Connecting on a deeper level with your audience.


What is the role of a media training consultant?

A media training consultant is responsible for preparing individuals or organizations to effectively communicate with the media. They provide guidance on how to deliver key messages, handle difficult questions, and maintain a positive public image.

How can a media training consultant help my business?

A media training consultant can help your business by equipping your spokespersons with the necessary skills to confidently and effectively engage with the media. This can enhance your brand’s reputation, improve media coverage, and mitigate potential reputation risks.

What industries can benefit from media training consulting?

Media training consulting can benefit a wide range of industries, including but not limited to technology, healthcare, finance, consumer goods, and professional services. Any business that interacts with the media can benefit from media training.

What skills should I look for in a media training consultant?

When choosing a media training consultant, look for someone with extensive experience in media relations, crisis communication, and public speaking. They should have a deep understanding of the media landscape and possess excellent communication and coaching skills.

How long does media training typically last?

The duration of media training can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of your business. It can range from a half-day session to multiple days of intensive training. The consultant will work with you to determine the appropriate length for your training program.

Can media training be customized to my business’s specific needs?

Yes, media training can be customized to address your business’s unique challenges and goals. A skilled media training consultant will tailor the training program to your industry, target audience, and specific communication objectives.

What are the key benefits of media training?

The key benefits of media training include improved media relations, enhanced messaging and storytelling, increased confidence in media interactions, crisis preparedness, and the ability to effectively handle difficult or sensitive questions.

How can I measure the success of media training?

The success of media training can be measured through various metrics, such as increased positive media coverage, improved feedback from journalists, enhanced spokesperson performance, and the ability to effectively navigate media crises.

What is the difference between media training and public relations consulting?

Media training focuses specifically on preparing individuals or organizations to interact with the media, while public relations consulting encompasses a broader range of services, including strategic communication planning, media relations, crisis management, and reputation management.

How do I choose the right media training consultant for my business?

When choosing a media training consultant, consider their experience, track record of success, client testimonials, and their ability to understand and align with your business objectives. It’s also important to have a clear understanding of their training approach and methodology.

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