B2B, B2C Marketing Launch

B2B, B2C Marketing Launch

A person wearing a blue shirt is sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding a smartphone. The phone screen displays a webpage related to a marketing launch with text and an image, which is slightly blurred and not readable. The individual is looking at the phone intently.

Case Study

Optimizing Dual-Market Financial Care Solutions: How Brightside Won Both B2B and B2C Markets



Brightside aimed to create a new B2B and B2C marketing team to enhance their Total Financial Care platform and improve business productivity, talent retention, and culture. The goal was to establish the right people and processes for B2B branding, sales and marketing, as well as a B2C marketing team to boost employee engagement within each new B2B customer.


Chameleon Collective undertook an extensive assessment of Brightside’s brand and customer base, partnering with their in-house teams and agencies to create a developed Brand Voice and Messaging for B2B clients. We launched campaigns and integrated marketing initiatives to deepen customer engagement and attract new clients, fostering a data-driven sales and marketing approach for scalability. For the B2C team, we developed a comprehensive Employee Journey Map to structure appropriate content and multi-channel messaging across the full journey, implementing new reporting and KPI measurement mechanisms. Across both teams, we established a center of excellence to manage marketing goals, plans, campaigns, and ROI within a single dashboard.


Our integrative efforts yielded significant improvements in both B2B and B2C domains. The B2B brand witnessed enhanced customer engagement, while the B2C marketing strategy boosted employee engagement. Our center of excellence successfully managed the integrated marketing efforts, delivering a 50% improvement in content output and a 20% enhancement in Marketing Return on Investment (ROI), proving the efficiency of the dual-market approach.

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Team Members

Adam Towvim

Adam Towvim

Interim Leader

Miles Williams

Miles Williams

CMO: B2B & Managed Services

Project & Operations Manager

Partner | Public Relations

Caleb Ludwick

Caleb Ludwick

Brand & Messaging Director

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